Boost sales and improve shopping experience
with AI product recommendations

Help your customers quickly find similar products based on image
and text search preferences

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Key Features

  • Checkmark icon

    no user data required

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    available custom filter based criteria

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    images and text based or a combination of both

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    scalable to over 1000 requests/second

Similarity recommender illustration

How AI Product Recommender Works?

Similarity Recommender

Through visual search technology, our AI recommender analyzes visual, textual or combined components, generating powerful item-to-item recommendations.

It calculates similarity directly from product listing content, eliminating the need for user interaction data and simplifying integration. Customize components according to your business needs and specific use-cases.

Assist Your Customers in Finding Products
with Similar Attributes

Upsell and cross-sell your products effectively

Assist your customers in finding what they need by recommending similar items when they need it to increase engagement and drive more purchases

Turn an out-of-stock product into an opportunity

Unlike relying on a one-size-fits-all solutions, benefit from our API with a machine learning model fine-tuned to your specific platform categories

Create a seamless and intuitive shopping experience

Users are able to search and discover products similar to those in your catalog with just one click, making their shopping journey effortless and enjoyable

Combine recommendations with custom filter based criteria

Allow search by image content with your custom filters, enabling quick and easy discovery of products based on specific attributes

Customize your Product Filter & Search

Ready to enhance your product discovery journey with
Recommendation Engine API? Let's discuss customization options.

Talk to an expert

Who can benefit from
Product Recommendations API?

Online Marketplaces

Improve user interaction and drive conversions with similar user-generated product images

Content Management

Increase engagement by showing relevant design elements and inspirations to users

Real Estate Management

Help your users discover new photos with similar photo search & recommendations

E-commerce Businesses

Drive sales by recommending similar products or upselling items based on their image and text attributes

Fashion Retail

Recommend similar clothing items and accessories that match your users' taste and preferences

Job Marketplaces

Simplify the job search process by suggesting relevant job listing based on specific filters

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Simple integration

Existing database

  • With custom plugins for Elasticsearch, Solr, Postgres and MySQL
  • No need to migrate your data or use a new system

Cloud API

  • We provide you with an API you can use to search through your active items

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Simplify your e-commerce product discovery process now.

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